Исходный код SAMPLE_TEAM.Soccer.Motion.class_Motion_real

The module is designed by team Robokit of Phystech Lyceum and team Starkit
of MIPT under mentorship of A. Babaev.

The module is a part of motion generating functions
import math, time, json
import logging

from .class_Motion import Motion1
from .ball_Approach_Steps_Seq import *
from .path_planning import PathPlan

[документация]class Motion_real(Motion1): def __init__(self, glob): super().__init__(glob) self.p = PathPlan(self.glob)
[документация] def seek_Ball_In_Pose(self, fast_Reaction_On, penalty_Goalkeeper = False, with_Localization = True): self.local.correct_yaw_in_pf() if self.robot_In_0_Pose == False: self.simulateMotion(name = 'Initial_Pose') self.robot_In_0_Pose = True variants = [] # U19 - Шея поворот # U20 - Шея Наклон c = self.neck_play_pose head_pose = [(-2667,c), (-1333, c) , ( 0, c) , (1333, c) , (2667,c), (-2667, c-700),(-1333, c-700), (0, c-700), (1333,c-700),(2667, c-700), (-2667, c-1400), (-1333, c-1400), ( 0, c-1400), (1333, c-1400), (2667, c-1400)] #head_pose_seq = [2,7,12,13,8,3,1,6,11,10,5,0,4,9,14,2] head_pose_seq = [2,7,12,11,6,8,13,14,9,4,3,10,5,0,1,2] if penalty_Goalkeeper: head_pose_seq = [2,7,12,11,6,8,13] for i in range(len(head_pose_seq)): if not(fast_Reaction_On == True and i == 0): x = head_pose[head_pose_seq[i]] self.neck_pan = x[0] self.neck_tilt = x[1] if not self.falling_Test() == 0: self.local.quality =0 if self.falling_Flag == 3: self.logger.debug('STOP!') else: self.logger.debug('FALLING!!!' + str(self.falling_Flag)) return False, 0, 0, [0, 0] self.move_head(self.neck_pan, self.neck_tilt) self.refresh_Orientation() a, course, dist = self.seek_Ball_In_Frame(with_Localization) if a == True: variants.append ((course, dist *1000)) if fast_Reaction_On == True and a== True: break course = 0 distance = 0 if len(variants)>0: for i in range (len(variants)): course = course + variants[i][0] distance = distance + variants[i][1] course1 = course /len(variants) distance1 = distance /len(variants) self.neck_pan =int( - course1/ self.TIK2RAD) D = self.params['HEIGHT_OF_CAMERA'] - self.params['HEIGHT_OF_NECK']- self.params['DIAMETER_OF_BALL']/2 E = (2*distance1*D - math.sqrt(4*distance1**2*D**2 - 4*(distance1**2-self.params['HEIGHT_OF_NECK']**2)*(D**2 -self.params['HEIGHT_OF_NECK']**2)))/(2*(D**2-self.params['HEIGHT_OF_NECK']**2)) alpha = math.atan(E) alpha_d = math.pi/2 - alpha self.neck_tilt = int((-alpha_d)/self.TIK2RAD + self.neck_calibr) #self.logger.debug('self.neck_pan =' + str(self.neck_pan) + 'self.neck_tilt =' + str(self.neck_tilt)) self.move_head(self.neck_pan, self.neck_tilt) self.refresh_Orientation() a, course, dist, speed = self.detect_Ball_Speed(with_Localization) if with_Localization: self.local.localisation_Complete() #self.local.pf_update() if a == True: #course_global = course + self.euler_angle[0] + self.neck_pan * 0.03375 if with_Localization: self.local.localisation_Complete() course_global_rad = course + self.glob.pf_coord[2] self.glob.ball_coord = [dist*math.cos(course_global_rad)+ self.glob.pf_coord[0], dist*math.sin(course_global_rad)+ self.glob.pf_coord[1]] #if len(self.glob.obstacles) == 0: self.glob.obstacles = [[0,0,0]] #self.glob.obstacles[0] = [self.glob.ball_coord[0], self.glob.ball_coord[1], 0.15] if with_Localization: self.local.localisation_Complete() #if self.glob.obstacleAvoidanceIsOn: self.sim_Get_Obstacles() return(a, course, dist, speed) else: if distance1 !=0: if with_Localization: self.local.localisation_Complete() dist = distance1 / 1000 course_global_rad = course1 + self.glob.pf_coord[2] self.glob.ball_coord = [dist * math.cos(course_global_rad) + self.glob.pf_coord[0], dist * math.sin(course_global_rad) + self.glob.pf_coord[1]] return(a, course1, dist, [0, 0]) if with_Localization: self.local.localisation_Complete() return False, 0, 0, [0, 0]
[документация] def watch_Ball_In_Pose(self, penalty_Goalkeeper = False): self.local.correct_yaw_in_pf() if self.robot_In_0_Pose == False: self.simulateMotion(name = 'Initial_Pose') self.robot_In_0_Pose = True # U19 - Шея поворот # U20 - Шея Наклон c = self.neck_play_pose head_pose = [(-2667,c), (-1333, c) , ( 0, c) , (1333, c) , (2667,c), (-2667, c-700),(-1333, c-700), (0, c-700), (1333,c-700),(2667, c-700), (-2667, c-1400), (-1333, c-1400), ( 0, c-1400), (1333, c-1400), (2667, c-1400)] #head_pose_seq = [2,7,12,13,8,3,1,6,11,10,5,0,4,9,14,2] head_pose_seq = [2,7,12,11,6,8,13,14,9,4,3,10,5,0,1,2] if penalty_Goalkeeper: head_pose_seq = [2,7,12,11,6,8,13] for i in range(len(head_pose_seq)): if i != 0: x = head_pose[head_pose_seq[i]] self.neck_pan = x[0] self.neck_tilt = x[1] if not self.falling_Test() == 0: self.local.quality =0 if self.falling_Flag == 3: self.logger.debug('STOP!') else: self.logger.debug('FALLING!!!' + str(self.falling_Flag)) return False, 0, 0, [0, 0] self.move_head(self.neck_pan, self.neck_tilt) self.refresh_Orientation() a, course, dist, speed = self.detect_Ball_Speed(with_Localization = False) if a == True or (a== False and dist !=0): break if a == True or (a== False and dist !=0): course_global_rad = course + self.glob.pf_coord[2] self.glob.ball_coord = [dist*math.cos(course_global_rad)+ self.glob.pf_coord[0], dist*math.sin(course_global_rad)+ self.glob.pf_coord[1]] #if len(self.glob.obstacles) == 0: self.glob.obstacles = [[0,0,0]] #self.glob.obstacles[0] = [self.glob.ball_coord[0], self.glob.ball_coord[1], 0.15] #if self.glob.obstacleAvoidanceIsOn: self.sim_Get_Obstacles() distance = dist *1000 self.neck_pan =int( - course/ self.TIK2RAD) D = self.params['HEIGHT_OF_CAMERA'] - self.params['HEIGHT_OF_NECK']- self.params['DIAMETER_OF_BALL']/2 E = (2*distance*D - math.sqrt(4*distance**2*D**2 - 4*(distance**2-self.params['HEIGHT_OF_NECK']**2)*(D**2 -self.params['HEIGHT_OF_NECK']**2)))/(2*(D**2-self.params['HEIGHT_OF_NECK']**2)) alpha = math.atan(E) alpha_d = math.pi/2 - alpha self.neck_tilt = int((-alpha_d)/self.TIK2RAD + self.neck_calibr) return(a, course, dist, speed) return False, 0, 0, [0, 0]
[документация] def seek_Ball_In_Frame(self, with_Localization = True): #self.pause_in_ms(100) Ballposition = self.sim_Get_Ball_Position() if with_Localization: self.local.read_Localization_marks() self.logger.debug('Ballposition: ' + str(Ballposition)) if Ballposition: course, distance = Ballposition return True, course, distance else: return False, 0, 0
[документация] def detect_Ball_Speed(self, with_Localization = False): position = [] if with_Localization : self.local.read_Localization_marks() for number in range (2): #self.pause_in_ms(100) Ballposition = self.sim_Get_Ball_Position() if Ballposition: course, distance = Ballposition position.append([course,distance]) n = len(position) speed = [0,0] if n > 1: front_speed = ( position[n-1][1] - position[0][1])/ distance/n tangential_speed = ( position[n-1][0] - position[0][0]) * distance/n speed = [tangential_speed, front_speed ] if n < 1: return False, 0, 0, [0,0] elif n < 2: #self.see_ball_confirmation() return False, course, distance, [0,0] else: #self.see_ball_confirmation() return True, course, distance, speed
[документация] def see_ball_confirmation(self): self.move_head(self.neck_pan, 0) self.move_head(self.neck_pan, self.neck_tilt)
[документация] def turn_To_Course(self, course, accurate = False): stepLength = 0 sideLength = 0 rotation = 0 cycleNumber = 1 cycle = 0 old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt = self.head_Up() self.refresh_Orientation() rotation1 = course - self.imu_body_yaw() rotation1 = self.norm_yaw(rotation1) if abs(rotation1)> 0.035 or accurate: cycleNumber = int(math.floor(abs(rotation1)/self.params['ROTATION_YIELD']))+1 # rotation yield 0.23 with rotation order 0.21 self.walk_Initial_Pose() for cycle in range (cycleNumber): rotation1 = course - self.imu_body_yaw() rotation1 = self.norm_yaw(rotation1) if abs(rotation1)< 0.035 and not accurate: break if abs(rotation1)< 0.01: break rotation = rotation1/(cycleNumber - cycle) self.walk_Cycle(stepLength, sideLength,rotation,cycle,cycleNumber) self.walk_Final_Pose() self.refresh_Orientation() self.local.coord_shift = [0,0,0] self.local.coordinate_record() self.head_Return(old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt)
[документация] def head_Up(self): old_neck_pan = self.neck_pan old_neck_tilt = self.neck_tilt self.neck_pan = 0 self.neck_tilt = self.neck_play_pose self.move_head(self.neck_pan, self.neck_tilt) self.refresh_Orientation() return old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt
[документация] def head_Return(self, old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt): self.move_head(old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt) self.refresh_Orientation()
[документация] def localisation_Motion(self): if not self.falling_Test() == 0: self.local.quality =0 if self.falling_Flag == 3: self.logger.debug('STOP!') else: self.logger.debug('FALLING!!!' + str(self.falling_Flag)) return[] if self.robot_In_0_Pose == False: self.simulateMotion(name = 'Initial_Pose') self.robot_In_0_Pose = True # U19 - Шея поворот # U20 - Шея Наклон c = self.neck_play_pose head_pose = [(-2667,c), (-1333, c) , ( 0, c) , (1333, c) , (2667,c), (-2667, c-700),(-1333, c-700), (0, c-700), (1333,c-700),(2667, c-700), (-2667, c-1400), (-1333, c-1400), ( 0, c-1400), (1333, c-1400), (2667, c-1400)] #head_pose_seq = [2,7,12,11,6,8,13,14,9,4,3,10,5,0,1,2] head_pose_seq = [2,7,6,8,9,4,3,5,0,1,2] for k in range(1): for i in range(len(head_pose_seq)): x = head_pose[head_pose_seq[i]] self.neck_pan = x[0] self.neck_tilt = x[1] self.move_head(self.neck_pan, self.neck_tilt) self.refresh_Orientation() a, course, distance, blob = self.seek_Ball_In_Frame() #self.local.pf_update() #a = self.local.process_Post_data_in_Pose() #if self.local.quality == 1 : break #target_course1 = self.euler_angle[0] +180 #self.turn_To_Course(target_course1) a = self.local.localisation_Complete() #self.local.pf_update() return a
[документация] def normalize_rotation(self, yaw): if abs(yaw) > 2 * math.pi: yaw %= (2 * math.pi) if yaw > math.pi : yaw -= (2 * math.pi) if yaw < -math.pi : yaw += (2 * math.pi) if yaw > 0.5 : yaw = 0.5 if yaw < -0.5 : yaw = -0.5 return yaw
[документация] def near_distance_omni_motion(self, dist_mm, napravl): old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt = self.head_Up() dist = dist_mm/1000 #self.refresh_Orientation() initial_direction = self.imu_body_yaw() self.logger.debug('initial_direction' + str(initial_direction)) n = int(math.floor((dist_mm*math.cos(napravl)-self.first_step_yield)/self.cycle_step_yield)+1)+1 #calculating the number of potential full steps forward displacement = dist_mm*math.sin(napravl) if displacement > 0: invert = -1 self.first_Leg_Is_Right_Leg = False side_step_yield = self.side_step_left_yield else: invert = 1 side_step_yield = self.side_step_right_yield m = int(math.floor(abs(displacement)/side_step_yield)+1) if n < m : n = m stepLength = dist_mm*math.cos(napravl)/(self.first_step_yield*1.25+self.cycle_step_yield*(n-1)+ self.cycle_step_yield*0.75)*64 number_Of_Cycles = n+2 sideLength = abs(displacement) /number_Of_Cycles*20/side_step_yield if stepLength > 15 and number_Of_Cycles > 4: deceleration = True number_Of_Cycles += 1 else: deceleration = False #old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt = self.head_Up() self.local.correct_yaw_in_pf() self.walk_Initial_Pose() for cycle in range(number_Of_Cycles): #self.refresh_Orientation() rotation = initial_direction - self.imu_body_yaw() * 1 rotation = self.normalize_rotation(rotation) stepLength1 = stepLength if cycle == 0: stepLength1 = stepLength/4 if cycle == 1: stepLength1 = stepLength/2 if deceleration: if cycle == number_Of_Cycles - 1: stepLength1 = stepLength / 3 if cycle == number_Of_Cycles - 2: stepLength1 = stepLength * 2 / 3 self.walk_Cycle(stepLength1, sideLength, invert*rotation,cycle,number_Of_Cycles) self.walk_Final_Pose() self.first_Leg_Is_Right_Leg = True self.head_Return(old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt)
[документация] def near_distance_ball_approach_and_kick(self, kick_direction, strong_kick = False, small_kick = False ): offset_of_ball = self.params['KICK_OFFSET_OF_BALL'] # self.d10 # module of local robot Y coordinate of ball im mm before kick a, napravl, dist, speed = self.seek_Ball_In_Pose(fast_Reaction_On = True) dist_mm = dist *1000 if a==False or self.falling_Flag != 0: return False if dist > 0.9 or a == False: return False if 0.02 < abs(dist * math.cos(napravl)) < 0.06 and dist * math.sin(napravl) < 0.03: old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt = self.head_Up() if napravl > 0: self.kick(first_Leg_Is_Right_Leg=False) else: self.kick(first_Leg_Is_Right_Leg=True) self.head_Return(old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt) if abs(napravl) > 1 : direction = math.copysign(2.55, napravl) self.near_distance_omni_motion( 180 , direction) else: forth_dist = dist_mm*math.cos(napravl) n = int(math.ceil((forth_dist - self.params['KICK_ADJUSTMENT_DISTANCE'] -self.first_step_yield)/self.cycle_step_yield)+1) #calculating the number of potential full steps forward displacement = dist_mm*math.sin(napravl)- math.copysign(offset_of_ball, napravl) if displacement > 0: invert = -1 self.first_Leg_Is_Right_Leg = False side_step_yield = self.side_step_left_yield else: invert = 1 side_step_yield = self.side_step_right_yield m = int(math.ceil(abs(displacement)/side_step_yield)) # potential side steps number if n < m : n = m n += 2 # final steps number stepLength = (dist_mm*math.cos(napravl)- self.params['KICK_ADJUSTMENT_DISTANCE'])/(self.first_step_yield + self.cycle_step_yield * n) * 64 number_Of_Cycles = n + 1 if napravl > 0: kick_by_Right = False else: kick_by_Right = True sideLength = abs(displacement)/number_Of_Cycles*20/side_step_yield old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt = self.head_Up() self.local.correct_yaw_in_pf() init_yaw = kick_direction = self.imu_body_yaw() #init_yaw = self.imu_body_yaw() stepLengthResidue = 0 sideLengthResidue = 0 self.walk_Initial_Pose() cycle = 0 while (cycle < number_Of_Cycles): #for cycle in range(number_Of_Cycles): #self.refresh_Orientation() rotation = (kick_direction - self.imu_body_yaw()) * 1 rotation = self.normalize_rotation(rotation) stepLength1 = stepLength sideLength1 = sideLength self.logger.debug('kick_direction =' + str(kick_direction) + ' self.imu_body_yaw() = ' + str(self.imu_body_yaw()) + ' rotation = ' + str(rotation) ) if cycle == 0: stepLength1 = stepLength / 3 if cycle == 1: stepLength1 = stepLength * 2 / 3 stepLength1 += stepLengthResidue sideLength1 += sideLengthResidue self.walk_Cycle(stepLength1, sideLength1, invert*rotation,cycle,number_Of_Cycles) delta_yaw = self.norm_yaw(self.imu_body_yaw() - init_yaw) stepLengthResidue = stepLength1 * (1 - math.cos(delta_yaw)) - sideLength1 * math.sin(delta_yaw) * invert sideLengthResidue = sideLength1 * (1 - math.cos(delta_yaw)) + stepLength1 * math.sin(delta_yaw) * invert cycle += 1 self.walk_Final_Pose() self.first_Leg_Is_Right_Leg = True if strong_kick == True: if kick_by_Right == True: self.simulateMotion(name = 'Soccer_Kick_Forward_Right_Leg') else: self.simulateMotion(name = 'Soccer_Kick_Forward_Left_Leg') else: self.kick( first_Leg_Is_Right_Leg=kick_by_Right, small = small_kick) #self.local.coord_odometry[0] += dist * math.cos(napravl) #self.local.coord_odometry[1] += dist * math.sin(napravl) #self.local.coordinate_record(odometry = True) self.head_Return(old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt) return True
[документация] def far_distance_ball_approach(self, ball_coord): old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt = self.head_Up() self.local.correct_yaw_in_pf() ball_Approach(self, self.local, self.glob, ball_coord) self.head_Return(old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt)
[документация] def far_distance_plan_approach(self, ball_coord, target_yaw, stop_Over = False): dest = [] centers = [] price = 1000 for i in range(5): for j in range(2): target_x = ball_coord[0] - (0.21 + j * 0.05) * math.cos(target_yaw - 0.8 + i * 0.4) target_y = ball_coord[1] - (0.21 + j * 0.05) * math.sin(target_yaw - 0.8 + i * 0.4) target_coord = [target_x, target_y, target_yaw] dest1, centers1, number_Of_Cycles = self.p.path_calc_optimum(self.glob.pf_coord, target_coord) if i != 2: number_Of_Cycles += 50 if number_Of_Cycles <= price: dest = dest1 centers = centers1 price = number_Of_Cycles #target_x = ball_coord[0] - 0.26 * math.cos(target_yaw) #target_y = ball_coord[1] - 0.26 * math.sin(target_yaw) #target_coord = [target_x, target_y, target_yaw] #dest, centers, price = self.p.path_calc_optimum(self.glob.pf_coord, target_coord) if stop_Over: price += 100 start_yaw = self.glob.pf_coord[2] #self.imu_body_yaw() if len(dest) == 0: return False old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt = self.head_Up() self.local.correct_yaw_in_pf() sideLength = 0 stepLength_old = 0 acceleration = False deceleration = False self.walk_Initial_Pose() # initial arc dest_yaw = self.p.coord2yaw(dest[1][0] - dest[0][0], dest[1][1] - dest[0][1] ) x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, R, CW = centers[0] delta_yaw = self.p.delta_yaw(start_yaw, dest_yaw, CW) #self.logger.debug('delta_yaw:' + str(delta_yaw) + ' CW:' + str(CW)) number_Of_Cycles = math.ceil(abs(delta_yaw / 0.2)) while True: delta_yaw_step = delta_yaw / number_Of_Cycles #self.logger.debug('R =' + str(R) + ' delta_yaw_step =' + str(delta_yaw_step) ) stepLength = R * abs(delta_yaw_step) * 1000 * 64 / self.cycle_step_yield * 1.1 if stepLength <= 64: break else: number_Of_Cycles += 1 if stepLength - stepLength_old > 22 : acceleration = True number_Of_Cycles += 1 for cycle in range(number_Of_Cycles): stepLength1 = stepLength if acceleration: if cycle == 0: stepLength1 = stepLength / 3 if cycle == 1: stepLength1 = stepLength * 2 / 3 #self.refresh_Orientation() rotation = start_yaw + delta_yaw_step * (cycle + 1) - self.imu_body_yaw() rotation = self.normalize_rotation(rotation) self.walk_Cycle(stepLength1, sideLength, rotation, cycle, number_Of_Cycles+1) #self.logger.debug('stepLength1 =' + str(stepLength1) + 'rotation =' + str(rotation ) + 'cycle =' + str(cycle) + 'number_Of_Cycles =' + str(number_Of_Cycles)) stepLength_old = stepLength acceleration = False # 1-st straight segment L = math.sqrt((dest[1][0] - dest[0][0])**2 + (dest[1][1] - dest[0][1])**2) number_Of_Cycles = math.ceil(abs(L * 1000 / self.cycle_step_yield)) stepLength = L * 1000 / number_Of_Cycles * 64 / self.cycle_step_yield if stepLength - stepLength_old > 22 : acceleration = True number_Of_Cycles += 1 if not stop_Over: for cycle in range(number_Of_Cycles): stepLength1 = stepLength if acceleration: if cycle == 0: stepLength1 = stepLength / 3 if cycle == 1: stepLength1 = stepLength * 2 / 3 #self.refresh_Orientation() rotation = dest_yaw - self.imu_body_yaw() rotation = self.normalize_rotation(rotation) self.walk_Cycle(stepLength1, sideLength, rotation, cycle + 1, number_Of_Cycles+2) stepLength_old = stepLength acceleration = False for i in range(len(centers)-2): start_yaw = dest_yaw #self.imu_body_yaw() dest_yaw = self.p.coord2yaw(dest[2*i+3][0] - dest[2*i+2][0], dest[2*i+3][1] - dest[2*i+2][1]) x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, R, CW = centers[i+1] delta_yaw = self.p.delta_yaw(start_yaw, dest_yaw, CW) number_Of_Cycles = math.ceil(abs(delta_yaw / 0.2)) while True: delta_yaw_step = delta_yaw / number_Of_Cycles stepLength = R * abs(delta_yaw_step) * 1000 * 64 / self.cycle_step_yield * 1.1 if stepLength <= 64: break else: number_Of_Cycles += 1 if stepLength - stepLength_old > 22 : acceleration = True number_Of_Cycles += 1 for cycle in range(number_Of_Cycles): stepLength1 = stepLength if acceleration: if cycle == 0: stepLength1 = stepLength / 3 if cycle == 1: stepLength1 = stepLength * 2 / 3 #self.refresh_Orientation() rotation = start_yaw + delta_yaw_step * (cycle + 1) - self.imu_body_yaw() rotation = self.normalize_rotation(rotation) if price < 100: self.walk_Cycle(stepLength1, sideLength, rotation, cycle+1, number_Of_Cycles+2) else: self.walk_Cycle(stepLength1, sideLength, rotation, cycle+1, number_Of_Cycles+1) stepLength_old = stepLength acceleration = False if price >= 100: break L = math.sqrt((dest[2*i+3][0] - dest[2*i+2][0])**2 + (dest[2*i+3][1] - dest[2*i+2][1])**2) number_Of_Cycles = math.ceil(abs(L * 1000 / self.cycle_step_yield)) stepLength = L * 1000 / number_Of_Cycles * 64 / self.cycle_step_yield if stepLength - stepLength_old > 22 : acceleration = True number_Of_Cycles += 1 for cycle in range(number_Of_Cycles): stepLength1 = stepLength if acceleration: if cycle == 0: stepLength1 = stepLength / 3 if cycle == 1: stepLength1 = stepLength * 2 / 3 #self.refresh_Orientation() rotation = dest_yaw - self.imu_body_yaw() rotation = self.normalize_rotation(rotation) self.walk_Cycle(stepLength1, sideLength, rotation, cycle + 1, number_Of_Cycles+2) stepLength_old = stepLength acceleration = False if price < 100: start_yaw = dest_yaw #self.imu_body_yaw() dest_yaw = target_yaw x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, R, CW = centers[len(centers)-1] delta_yaw = self.p.delta_yaw(start_yaw, dest_yaw, CW) number_Of_Cycles = math.ceil(abs(delta_yaw / 0.2)) while True: delta_yaw_step = delta_yaw / number_Of_Cycles stepLength = R * abs(delta_yaw_step) * 1000 * 64 / self.cycle_step_yield * 1.1 if stepLength <= 64: break else: number_Of_Cycles += 1 if stepLength - stepLength_old > 22 : acceleration = True number_Of_Cycles += 1 if stepLength > 15: deceleration = True number_Of_Cycles += 1 for cycle in range(number_Of_Cycles): stepLength1 = stepLength if acceleration: if cycle == 0: stepLength1 = stepLength / 3 if cycle == 1: stepLength1 = stepLength * 2 / 3 if deceleration: if cycle == number_Of_Cycles - 1: stepLength1 = stepLength / 3 if cycle == number_Of_Cycles - 2: stepLength1 = stepLength * 2 / 3 #self.refresh_Orientation() rotation = start_yaw + delta_yaw_step * (cycle + 1) - self.imu_body_yaw() rotation = self.normalize_rotation(rotation) self.walk_Cycle(stepLength1, sideLength, rotation, cycle + 1, number_Of_Cycles + 1) # Adjustment of yaw position number_Of_Cycles = 4 stepLength = 0 for cycle in range(1, number_Of_Cycles+1, 1): #self.refresh_Orientation() rotation = target_yaw - self.imu_body_yaw() rotation = self.normalize_rotation(rotation) self.walk_Cycle(stepLength, sideLength, rotation, cycle, number_Of_Cycles+1) else: number_Of_Cycles = math.ceil(number_Of_Cycles/2) if stepLength > 15: deceleration = True number_Of_Cycles += 1 else: deceleration = False for cycle in range(1, number_Of_Cycles + 1, 1): stepLength1 = stepLength if acceleration: if cycle == 0: stepLength1 = stepLength / 3 if cycle == 1: stepLength1 = stepLength * 2 / 3 #self.refresh_Orientation() rotation = dest_yaw - self.imu_body_yaw() rotation = self.normalize_rotation(rotation) if deceleration: if cycle == number_Of_Cycles: stepLength1 = stepLength / 3 if cycle == number_Of_Cycles - 1: stepLength1 = stepLength * 2 / 3 self.walk_Cycle(stepLength1, sideLength, rotation, cycle, number_Of_Cycles + 1) self.walk_Final_Pose() self.head_Return(old_neck_pan, old_neck_tilt) return True
if __name__=="__main__": print('This is not main module!')