Source code for SAMPLE_TEAM.Soccer.Localisation.class_Local

The module is designed by team Robokit of Phystech Lyceum and team Starkit
of MIPT under mentorship of A. Babaev.

This module is assisting localization

import sys, os
import math, time, json, array
import logging

[docs]class Local(): def __init__ (self, logger, motion, glob, coord_odometry = [0.0,0.0,0.0]): self.logger = logger self.motion = motion self.glob = glob self.coord_shift = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.timer0 = time.perf_counter() if abs(motion.direction_To_Attack) < 1: self.side_factor = 1 else: self.side_factor = -1 #from .class_Visualisation import Visualisation #self.visualisation = Visualisation() self.robot_moved = False
[docs] def coordinate_fall_reset(self): pass
[docs] def coordinate_trust_estimation(self): #return return 1
[docs] def normalize_yaw(self, yaw): if abs(yaw) > 2 * math.pi: yaw %= (2 * math.pi) if yaw > math.pi : yaw -= (2 * math.pi) if yaw < -math.pi : yaw += (2 * math.pi) return yaw
[docs] def correct_yaw_in_pf(self): x,y,yaw = self.motion.sim_Get_Robot_Position() #self.glob.pf_coord[2] = yaw + math.pi * (1 - self.side_factor)/2 self.glob.pf_coord[2] = self.normalize_yaw(self.glob.pf_coord[2])
[docs] def coordinate_record(self): x,y,yaw = self.motion.sim_Get_Robot_Position() self.glob.pf_coord = [x * self.side_factor, y * self.side_factor, yaw] #self.glob.pf_coord = [x * self.side_factor, y * self.side_factor, yaw + math.pi * (1 - self.side_factor)/2] self.glob.pf_coord[2] = self.normalize_yaw(self.glob.pf_coord[2])
[docs] def localisation_Complete(self): x,y,yaw = self.motion.sim_Get_Robot_Position() self.glob.pf_coord = [x * self.side_factor, y * self.side_factor, yaw] #self.glob.pf_coord = [x * self.side_factor, y * self.side_factor, yaw + math.pi * (1 - self.side_factor)/2] self.glob.pf_coord[2] = self.normalize_yaw(self.glob.pf_coord[2]) if self.glob.obstacleAvoidanceIsOn: self.group_obstacles() return True
[docs] def group_obstacles(self): grouped_obstacles = [] self.logger.debug('obstacles(raw): ' + str(self.glob.obstacles)) while(len(self.glob.obstacles) > 0): obstacle0 = self.glob.obstacles.pop(0) group_number = 1 k = 0 for i in range(len(self.glob.obstacles)): united_obstacles = math.sqrt((obstacle0[0]-self.glob.obstacles[i-k][0])**2 + (obstacle0[1]-self.glob.obstacles[i-k][1])**2)\ < (obstacle0[2] + self.glob.obstacles[i-k][2])/2 if united_obstacles: group_number += 1 new_size = math.sqrt((obstacle0[0]-self.glob.obstacles[i-k][0])**2 + (obstacle0[1]-self.glob.obstacles[i-k][1])**2)\ + (obstacle0[2] + self.glob.obstacles[i-k][2])/2 obstacle0 = [(obstacle0[0]*(group_number-1) + self.glob.obstacles[i-k][0])/group_number, (obstacle0[1]*(group_number-1) + self.glob.obstacles[i-k][1])/group_number, (obstacle0[2]*(group_number-1) + new_size)/group_number,] self.glob.obstacles.pop(i-k) k += 1 if obstacle0[2] > 0.1: grouped_obstacles.append(obstacle0) self.glob.obstacles = [] for obstacle in grouped_obstacles: global_x = self.glob.pf_coord[0] + obstacle[0] * math.cos(self.glob.pf_coord[2]) - obstacle[1] * math.sin(self.glob.pf_coord[2]) global_y = self.glob.pf_coord[1] + obstacle[1] * math.cos(self.glob.pf_coord[2]) + obstacle[0] * math.sin(self.glob.pf_coord[2]) if abs(global_y) <= self.glob.landmarks['FIELD_WIDTH']/2 and abs(global_x) <= self.glob.landmarks['FIELD_LENGTH']/2: obstacle[0] = global_x obstacle[1] = global_y self.glob.obstacles.append(obstacle) self.logger.debug('obstacles(processed): ' + str(self.glob.obstacles))
[docs] def read_Localization_marks(self): if self.robot_moved == True: self.robot_moved = False self.glob.obstacles.clear() if self.glob.obstacleAvoidanceIsOn: self.motion.sim_Get_Obstacles()
if __name__=="__main__": print('This is not main module!')